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Chicago rockford
International airport

Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study


The Greater Rockford Airport Authority is in the process of updating the Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study for the Chicago Rockford International Airport (RFD). The Noise Exposure Maps (NEMs) for RFD were last updated in 2013 and the Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) was last updated in 2002. The 2013 NEM Update Study developed aircraft Noise Exposure Maps for current (2013) and future (2012) conditions. The 2002 NCP evaluated air traffic control procedures that could be implemented to reduce noise exposure over residential areas, considered land use controls that could be established to reduce future incompatible land uses from being developed within high noise areas, and evaluated means to mitigate noise impacts within high noise exposure areas.

The Part 150 Study process is designed to identify noise incompatibilities surrounding an airport, and to recommend measures to both correct existing incompatibilities and to prevent future incompatibilities. For Part 150 Study purposes, noise incompatibilities are defined as residences or public use noise-sensitive facilities (libraries, churches, schools, nursing homes, and hospitals) within the 65 Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL) noise contour.

The purpose of conducting a Part 150 Study is to develop a balanced and cost-effective plan for reducing current noise impacts from the airport’s operations, where practical, and to limit additional impacts in the future.

Among the general goals and objectives addressed by a Part 150 Study are the following:

  • To reduce, where feasible, existing and forecasted noise levels over existing noise-sensitive land uses
  • To reduce new noise-sensitive developments near the airport
  • To mitigate, where feasible, adverse impacts in accordance with Federal guidelines
  • To provide mitigation measures that are sensitive to the needs of the community and its stability
  • To be consistent, where feasible, with local land use planning and development policies

RFD Part 150 Study Public Information Workshop & Hearing 

Meeting Handouts
RFD Part 150 Study — Overview
RFD Part 150 Study — Aviation Noise Facts
RFD Part 150 Study — Noise Abatement
RFD Part 150 Study — Recommended Sound Insulation Program

When: November 15th, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: Virtual Online Zoom Meeting
Registration is required to view the meeting
Registration Link:

The Draft Document can be reviewed online at:
Printed versions can be reviewed in person at the following locations:

  • Rockford City Hall, 425 East State St., Rockford, IL 61109
  • Rockford Public Library, 6685 East State St., Rockford, IL 61108
  • Greater Rockford Airport Authority, Administrative Offices, 60 Airport Dr., Rockford, IL 61109


Questions and comments may be submitted through the Contact page.

RFD Part 150

Contact us or submit questions/comments here.


Social media links for additional information

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