What is an Airport Master Plan?
An airport master plan provides a road map for efficiently meeting aviation demand through the foreseeable future while preserving the flexibility necessary to respond to changing industry conditions. The general goals and objectives addressed by an airport master plan include the following:
- To provide a framework for long-range planning (20 to 30 yrs)
- To graphically present preferred airport development concepts
- To define the purpose and need for development projects
- To comply with all applicable FAA requirements
- To enable the airport to achieve its mission
- To assure compatible land use development
- To support the financial health of one of a region’s most powerful economic engines
- To identify facility requirements for all airport users
The definition of a successful master plan includes the following characteristics:
- Financially feasible – the phasing of the plan’s capital projects should be aligned with identified need and the ability to secure available funding
- Environmentally compatible – the plan should minimize potential environmental impacts
- Balanced – the plan should maintain a balance between airport development needs and community impacts
- Technically sound – the plan should comply with Federal, State, and local requirements and it should be able to be constructed efficiently and cost effectively
- Responsive – the plan should address the physical and operational needs of stakeholders
- Flexible – the plan should consider changes in industry dynamics which will enable CVG to be responsive and prosper
The Master Plan process provides a blueprint for the future. The future plan is just that, a plan, and will only be implemented as warranted by actual activity. The recommendations contained in a Master Plan are contingent upon further environmental study and must be financially feasible.